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Current Threats

Milfoil and other exotic plants

Two species of milfoil, Eurasian and Variable, are non-native and of great danger to lakes. If introduced, they are nearly impossible to eradicate and take over native plants quickly. Milfoil isn't the only concern. Wild celery made an unexpected appearance in the brook running through the North Sutton town commons requiring hand-pulling to control the weeds.


Read more on Exotic SpeciesThe Frightful Fourteen — and Invasive Bugs. Non-native species will have a long-lasting detrimental effect on our landscape in the coming years. They hog the energy and crowd out indigenous plants and animals.


Phosphorus Pollution

Recent weakening of environmental regulations could turn around the gains made in the previous three decades. The Clean Water Act was a huge impetus for cleaning up Kezar Lake's past pollution from a phosphorus overload. Read ex-DES Commissioner Tom Burack's editorial "Tackling Phosphorus in Our Lakes. Great Progress has been made in 25 years." Many successful clean-ups count this legislation as responsible for returning waterways to their near-original state from pea-soup consistency.


Road Salt

In the Northeast, we depend on salt to make our roads, driveways & walkways safely usable in winter. It is cheap and available. But there are dangers to humans, wildlife and the environment as the salt concentration increases with repeated use. Alternatives to salt include wood chips, an idea being tested in Quebec, beet juice and pickle brine and others.  Read more on salt usage:


Erosion: Run-off from roads, roofs, driveways, & impermeable surfaces cause stable areas to break down and travel into the lake.


Septic Systems Failures: These are environmental and public health problems. Particularly near water bodies, regulations need to be followed. NH DES applications, permits and information.


Boat Pollution: Keeping Sewage & Greywater out of NH Lakes.


Trash of all types is an out-of-control problem: Glass, cans, plastic and garbage of all types are beginning to clog our wetlands, beautiful roads and trails. Many residents, including the Sutton Ridgerunners and other groups, clean up after others. It is a Sisyphean ordeal as the trash reappears immediately. This issue affects Sutton and the Kezar Lake area intensely, although the phenomenon is widespread. Carry-In/Carry-Out applies throughout the town to all refuse.


Warming temperatures affect wildlife, causing some species to die out and others to migrate to find more suitable climes, throwing the ecosystem out of balance. They also create conditions conducive to algal growth in lakes which encourages growth of invasive species.





Climate Change Indicators: Lake Ice

Lake Sunapee Ice-Out Dates














What you can do: Since fossil fuel use drives the greenhouse effect, trapping heat in the atmosphere and warming the planet:


  • Use more alternative energy sources like solar & wind when possible

  • Conserve energy—carpool, turn off (or turn down) appliances

  • Eat more plants, eat more locally produced food.

  • Recycle materials and compost organic waste

  • Use energy efficient appliances & just enough heat and air conditioning.

  • Tune up cars, inflate tires, drive slowly to stretch mileage

  • Appreciate nature & a healthy environment for now and for future generations.


Litter is a problem just about everywhere, but none

does more damage to Kezar Lake than pet waste, full of phosphorus, travelling into the

water with rain and snow run-off.


Carry-In/Carry-Out is the rule for

all public areas. Please pick up after

your dogs  to prevent contaminating

the lake and roadsides. 


Leave No Trace​


Kezar Lake Protective Association
P.O. BOX 141
North Sutton, NH 03260

© Copyright 2024 Kezar Lake Protective Association
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