climate issues and more
KLPA educates boaters, shoreland owners and the community to protect Kezar Lake from introduction of invasive species. The Lake Host Program comprises volunteers and paid staff who check boats
coming into the lake and on the way out for vegetation and animal life; the Weed Watcher Program is an all-volunteer exotic plant watch group.​

Shoreland Protection Plants along the shoreland of Kezar Lake play a critical role in keeping the lake ecology in balance — everything from filtering contaminants to providing shade.
Volunteer Lakes Assessment Program (VLAP):
Water quality is monitored spring through fall for transparency, algal blooms, bacteria, phosphorus and other contaminants. Monitoring sites are located along Lyon Brook and its feeder brooks and at various spots on the lake.
Run-off issues include salt, sand and fertilizers and are an ongoing concern that KLPA discusses with shoreland property owners and the town road agent. Climate change, invasive species and litter are on everyone's mind.
KLPA partners with the community of lake users, NH State DES, and NH Lakes to watch for sign of invasive species, to train volunteers, and to keep apprised of the latest threats to our lakes.