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NH Lake's Charitable Giving Program helps KLPA raise funds for our Lake Host program throughout the summer.

KLPA's biggest challenge right now is finding, training, and supporting Lake Hosts to monitor boats entering Kezar Lake.

We're coming into our busy season and would like to expand coverage to 7 days a week (from the current 4) at the Horse Beach boat ramp to check boats for invasive species carried from other lakes to Sutton. Hosts remove and report any potentially destructive flora and fauna, and educate boat owners about the need to watch out for these hazards.

Please consider giving to this fund so we may expand our monitoring service so no noxious species slip by. Use the QR code below or go to if you can help us out with a gift. Thank you!


The Lake Host Program was created by the NH Department of Environmental Services in response to the threat of milfoil, a feathery weed that is wildly invasive and difficult to eradicate once it infects a lake. Now a variety of weeds and animals such as zebra mussels have come to our attention that are very easy to hitchhike among lakes on boats and trailers. The program has ramped up to include identification aids & training to counteract many threats.
NH Lakes offers the Lake Host program for local lake associations, including KLPA. NH Lakes administers the salaries of the lake hosts and trains them to identify invasive species that could be carried into Kezar Lake by boats that have been in other water bodies. KLPA contributes 60 - 70% of the lake hosts salaries, with the remainder paid by NH Lakes grants.
The Clean/Drain/Dry bill was passed by the NH Legislature in 2017. This law requires boaters take measures to make sure even microscopic invasives won't have a chance to get into a lake by cleaning, draining and then drying all boats that come in through the public access point. Visit NH Lakes for more on this important measure.
Lead Fishing Tackle  When people are going fishing on Kezar, lake hosts also check to be sure no lead tackle is being used. Deadly lead lures are too often swallowed by loons, eagles and other birds; getting lead out of the environment is of tremendous importance and the NH Congress is on top of this with loon-protective legislation passed recently. There are now many good non-toxic alternatives to lead. KLPA provides trade-ins free of charge.

Read more about the Lake host program on the NH Lakes website.

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Lake Host Program

Kezar Lake Protective Association
P.O. BOX 141
North Sutton, NH 03260

© Copyright 2024 Kezar Lake Protective Association
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