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NH residents and lake associations, including KLPA, work with NH DES to monitor conditions in the lake, surrounding watershed and tributaries. Water samples are taken on a regular basis during warm months and analyzed at the Colby-Sawyer College Science Lab for chemical levels and pollutants. Data are published regularly so trends can be studied and problems identified and addressed.
Kezar Lake Sampling Station Map showing points on tributaries and on the lake where water is taken to be analyzed. KLPA is currently considering additional stations to round out this analysis, as factors like climate change and development come increase and affect the watershed.
VLAP Educational Documents
VLAP Field Manual
Stormwater Sampling
Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee Region Water Quality
VLAP Region Reports
All About Secchi Disks
If you would like to volunteer for VLAP, please contact:
​Sara Steiner, VLAP Coordinator
NH Department of Environmental Services
29 Hazen Drive, PO Box 95
Concord, NH 03302-0095
(603) 271-2658
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