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Walkers, Runners, Hikers, Bicyclists
Walkers, runners, bicyclists, hikers, and dog walkers all travel the roads around Kezar. The views and wildlife are always interesting and different from day to day. Even on winter evenings, people with flashlights and reflective vests can be seen getting in their 10,000 steps.
Rules of the road: Walk against traffic. Bike with traffic, yield to pedestrians. Single file when traffic approaches. Keep pets on leashes and pick up after them — take waste with you and dispose properly.
​Biking/Hiking/Running Information
NH State Laws Pertaining to Bicycles
NH Dept of Transportation
Bicycle & Pedestrian Program
NH State Parks ~ Biking & Trails
Safety Passing Bicyclists Chart
​The League of American Bicyclists
​Bike Rentals
​Biking Trails:
Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee Trails
New Hampshire Rail Trails
Northern Rail Trail
Upper Valley Mountain Bike Association
​Bike/Walk Alliance NH
​Hiking & Biking Trails in NH's Lakes Region
Kezar Lake Running Club
Sunapee Ragged Kearsarge Greenway

Hiking Trails near Kezar Lake
Knights Hill Nature Park, New London
Mt. Kearsarge: Winslow State Park, Wilmot;
Rollins State Park, Warner. Hiking Map.
Mt. Sunapee State Park, Newbury.
Stoney Brook Wildlife Sanctuary, Audubon, Newbury.
Sutton Conservation Commission—
King Hill Reservation, Webb-Crowell, Bean Quarry, Maple Leaf, Enroth-Lefferts Natural Areas.
Wadleigh State Park
Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge Greenway:
King Hill Reservation
​King Hill Reservation has entrances off Kings Hill Rd. and Hominy Pot Rd. Bean Quarry and Maple Leaf Natural Area are accessed from the Maple Leaf parking lot on Kings Hill Rd. ​(Note: Parking lot on Hominy Pot Rd. is plowed in winter. Maple Leaf Parking lot is not, so please park at the lot at intersection of Kezar St., Hominy Pot, and Kings Hill Rds.)
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